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The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources contingency plan to address the emerging corona virus pandemics

Corona Virus emergency plan , The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources


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Decrees & Precautionary measures to combat the outbreak of the emerging Pandemic (Covid-19) by Middle East Oil tankages and oil pipelines

Upon the outbreak of the pandemic in Egypt, a crisis management committee has been formed under the leadership of Chairman and Managing Director along with members of the company top management and representatives of different departments to take appropriate procedures for the combat of the outbreak, resulting in the following decisions



Employee reduction in both company’s site and admin premises


The strict execution of the Decree of the Prime Minister no. 719 of the year 2020 and the EGPC’s Assistant Executive Chairman for Security regarding sustaining the manpower necessary for the conduct of work as follows:

- As stated in the provisions of the decree, working mothers - having a less than 12 years old child- have been granted a fully paid exceptional leave for as long as the Decree remains in force.

- Chronic illnesses patients have been addressed granting them exceptional fully paid leave.

- Granting leave for workers who have first degree relatives returning from abroad until they have been confirmed free from Covid-19 through the procedures followed in this regard.

- A plan to reduce the number of employees in all departments has been prepared by Department officials to present and further discuss it with Mr. Chairman and Managing Director for approval in a sense that does not violate the requirements and interests of work.

- Working hours have been modified to start from 9 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon, while ensuring that the presence during those working hours is in accordance with the requirements and working conditions.






Emergency Plan Implementation





The strict execution of the Decree of the Prime Minister no. 719 of the year 2020 and the EGPC’s Assistant Executive Chairman for Security regarding sustaining the manpower necessary for the conduct of work as follows:

- To ensure the company's continuation of its business, which has a strategic dimension in part, the company’s management has coordinated with one of the sister oil companies in New Cairo area to move to it as an alternative headquarters for the basic management group in case the company’s administrative headquarters is closed for precautionary considerations. The basic management team maintains all its files electronically to avoid business downtime.

- Circulate the contingency plan to combat the Covid-19; to be applied in case of suspected symptoms of infection has been revealed.

- Providing places for insulation in the company's various locations according to the requirements of the emergency plan and the nature of the site.

- Granting leave and performing a "PCR" analysis for workers returning from abroad before going back to work.